food writing

Wanted: Someone to Launch a Simple, Good and Tasty in Your Hometown

We talk all the time about what an active and vibrant local/organic/sustainable food movement we’ve got going on in Minneapolis and St. Paul. But we also realize a passion for this kind of food is not exclusive to the Twin Cities.

We’re also pretty sure that what SGT does is unique. Our combination of terrific, original content; a multi-faceted local-food directory; a comprehensive listing of local-food events; a thriving social network; a host of successful business partners; and a Local Food Lover program are unlike anything else out there. As a result, we're a growing presence not only in our hometown, but in food communities all over the country. Like yours.

That's where you come in.

We are planning to launch an SGT in your town and here’s what we need to make that happen:


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Food for Thought: Consider the Coconut

Food: we cook it, we eat it, and then we’re done.

Well, not quite. Like the good folk milling around the Tower of Babel, we also spend a great deal of time talking about it, except that we’re not always speaking the same language.

Food is, both figuratively and literally, on everyone’s lips and the discussion has never been so deep or widespread, providing fodder for everyone from filmmakers and politicians to home cooks and bloggers, who all have something different to say about what we eat. The array of issues is so dizzying, it’s enough to make you toss your salad.

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