
Book Review: "Superbug" Tells Scary Story About Dangers of Antibiotics in Food Supply

I’m not generally prone to fear, but two pages into Maryn McKenna’s Suberbug: The Fatal Menace of MRSA, a chill ran down my spine. McKenna opens her book with a story about a teenager named Tony who scraped his elbow after taking a tumble in the school gym. His elbow healed, but days later his left knee began to swell and throb. He developed a fever and body aches. Bay the time he was taken to a hospital, Tony was in septic shock. The ICU staff pumped him full of drugs and surgeons sliced through his body, draining infection from his hand, knee and thigh that reached all the way to the bone. “They told me he was the sickest child on that ICU,” his mother recalled. “They didn’t expect him to live.”

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