Books & Media

Michael Pollan Featured on Authors@Google (2008)

This video is not new - in fact, it's just over a year old. Still, if you haven't had a chance to see Michael Pollan speak, this video provides almost 60 minutes of the author discussing "In Defense of Food", why it was written, the value of local and sustainable food, nutrients, and all sorts of other things. He's a great, compelling speaker, as you might have guessed. And his material is as compelling as he is.

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Fair Food Fight

fairfoodfight1 I'm just checking out - and totally loving - the site Fair Food Fight. The whole site is designed like a circus featuring a three ring wrestling match. Here's what it says on their Why We Fight page:

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Choose Grass Fed!

farm-raised-cows Kathleen Slattery-Moschkau gives us yet another good reason to eat grass fed meat in this week's blog. Here's an excerpt:

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"Food Inc." is All About Production

The Foodcycles blog writes about a new film called Food Inc., featuring Michael Pollan (In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto

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In Defense of Food, Part 1

michael-pollan1 Mention Michael Pollan in a crowded room (or in an elevator, at the dinner table, at work, etc) and you get one of two reactions:

Reaction One: the person rolls their eyes, remembering Pollan as some sort of a "Food Nazi" from a TV interview he gave over the past year, probably one where he said you should only eat things your Great-Grandma would recognize. Or maybe one where he discussed "edible foodlike substances," which are, according to Michael, often disguised as real food.

Reaction Two: An "oh my God"-like gasp, followed by vigorous head-nodding, a sense of brother- (or sister-) hood, and an in-depth discussion of how they selected their CSA, the size of their garden, and what's growing there this year.

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