Joe Hatch-Surisook, owner and Executive Chef at Sen Yai Sen Lek, cut his teeth at Chet's Taverna (now closed), learning the value of local food and farms by working with The Craftsman's Mike Phillips. With Sen Yai Sen Lek, Joe has brought his love for traditional Thai food together with his passion for bringing the finest ingredients to the table.
Here's a look at the "guiding principles" from the restaurant's website:
* Family Ownership - Welcome to Sen Yai Sen Lek, an extension of our family
* Cultural Authenticity - Sen Yai Sen Lek offers authentic preparations of traditional Thai dishes
* Environmental & Social Sustainability - We believe in sustainable practices and make every effort to consider the social and environmental impact of our business decisions
* Community Orientation - We value our local community, celebrating the diversity of our neighborhood in a welcoming atmosphere
I'm thrilled to let you know that Sen Yai Sen Lek will be the location for our March local food event.
Here are the details:
* What: March SGT Local Food Event at Sen Yai Sen Lek, with great food, community, and farmers
* When: Tuesday, March 23rd, drinks and appetizers at 6:30 pm, dinner at 7:00 pm.
* Where: Sen Yai Sen Lek, 2422 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN, 612.781.3046
* Cost: $25 for 3 courses and appetizers (served family style), not including drinks and gratuity. Vegetarian and vegan options will be available.
* Reservations: Email info@simplegoodandtasty. We hope to see you there!