
Clark Ranch

According to Jay Clark - Clark Ranch is a 5th generation ranch that has a limited amount of grass-fed beef from late summer through the fall. We are in the extreme NW corner of the Oklahoma panhandle, next to Colorado and New Mexico. We are 8 miles off of Highway 287 from Denver, Colorado (which is 290 miles to the NW) and Amarillo, Texas (150 miles to the SE). We use a USDA-inspected facility in Texas to process our beef. We have delivery points at Guymon, Oklahoma, or customers can pick up their order at the ranch. We sell beef by the quarter or ground beef in 1 1/2-pound packages. We have always eaten grassfed beef and are pleasantly surprised at the interest and demand for our beef by the public.
Phone number: 


HC3 Box 12
Boise City, OK 73933
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