
Concho Farmers' Market

According to Roy, Market Manager - The Concho Farmer's Market is a place to buy the freshest most nutritious vegetables and products available which are grown and made locally. Every purchase at a Farmer's Market directly supports the grower, crafter, or producer instead of marketing and middle-men. Special or unusual varieties of naturally grown vegetables, eggs, honey, and other special local offerings from cosmetics to pottery to yarn can be found at the market. The Farmer's Market is a Vendor run organization operating under the non-profit organization Concho CAN. Concho Farmers' Market is open on Saturdays from 8am - Noon from June 2 to Octoer 27th. For more information contact Concho Farmers' Market at:
Phone number: 


Hwy 61 and 180A
Concho, AZ 85924
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