
Smith Family Farms

According to Deb or Tom Smith - Tom and Deb Smith raise the region's top-selling Angus/Simmental cross beef, raised on their century-old family farm. The farm, in the family for decades, was being sold off piece by piece until Deb and Tom moved back in 1995 to breathe new life into it. Their beef cattle are pasture raised, rotated in small herds over the farm's acreage. They are fed some farm-raised hay and grain to supplement their grass diet, although the heifer/calf herd doesn't receive supplements every day. Tom mixes the supplement with a little corn gluten -- "like candy for the cows." The animals receive no growth hormones, though antibiotics are administered when the cows are sick. The beef can be purchased by the 1/4 and 1/2 animal; the Smiths will bring the meat to Ashely's town processor, with whom you can arrange how you want the meat cut. The Smiths also have a mailing list - simply give them a call to be added.
Phone number: 


10517 N. Panzier Lane
Ashley, IL 62808
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