Recent Comments

  • 13 years 25 weeks ago by: Gabriela in reply to: Is Packing My Kids' Lunches a Privilege or a Pain in the Apple?

    Thanks for your comments JJ and Beezie! JJ, you are definitely not the only crazy mom struggling with this issue! I think the fact that we're thinking about is half the battle, honestly. By simply paying attention and doing our less-than-perfect best, we are teaching our kids that this matters. And Beezie makes a great point about setting an example. Our merely continuing to eat what we love to eat at dinner, even if the kids wrinkle their noses, exposes them to the turnips of the world and I can only hope that in 10 years time they will be eating and loving most, if not all, of what we eat! Here's to hoping!

  • 13 years 25 weeks ago by: Roxy in reply to: Got a Craving for Raw Milk? Blame it on Nina Planck

    I'm just like you. In fact I just started my raw milk research. An informative read about milk is

      The Untold Story of Milk
        . What really got me thinking about raw milk is Sally Fallon's book
          Nourishing Traditions
            . I would really like to personally talk to you about the man that supplies your milk and would like a true reference from you (I have an idea of who your talking about). Please email me!

  • 13 years 25 weeks ago by: Gabriela in reply to: Spring Panzanella: Here's a Way to Get Your Asparagus Fix

    Hi Tangled Noodle! I think you'll love it - with or without my, ahem, changes. Thanks for reading!

  • 13 years 25 weeks ago by: Claire Kellerman in reply to: Can You Eat Your Way to Happiness?

    I ate my way to Happiness with six amazing, isolated, healthy, beaming, open-Hearted months on the Body Ecology Diet. I learned to tweek the principles to meet my sweet tooth where it screamed, and managed to eat so much vegetable soup that I almost exploded, like a goldfish will if allowed to eat all it wants. It won't stop. Stress, overloaded stress, gave me the same drive to consume. I created chocolate torte, chocolate mousse, and chocolates made of coconut oil, cacao, orange extract and carob to make chocolate flavor and I used LAKANTO - a sweetener like brown sugar, smells maple-y, with zero glycemic index, zero calories, and zero artificial anything. Amazing and pricey, and worth it!!(buy at My drug of choice is sweets, my snack of choice is sweets, and still, I gave up ALL sugar and ALL fruit, yes, even on Maui, Hawaii, and I was truly happy. Happy was good, and now I am determined to start a Body Ecology Circle on Maui so I can share meals, create more cool recipes, and be happy in a loving community of other HAPPY PEOPLE. Thanks for your great, honest and funny story here. Nicely done!

    Claire of

  • 13 years 25 weeks ago by: Jane W in reply to: Is March the Hardest Month to Eat Local?

    Alicia Jabbar your delicious recipes make me very hungry. I especially like the asparagus recipe. I enjoy your articles. You have a way with words.


  • 13 years 25 weeks ago by: Tangled Noodle in reply to: Spring Panzanella: Here's a Way to Get Your Asparagus Fix

    I've always wanted to try panzanella and I love everything I see in this recipe, violations and all! Thanks for sharing. 8-)

  • 13 years 25 weeks ago by: Crystal in reply to: Are Non-Stick Pans Safe to Cook with?

    My family has lost 2 birds due to what we believe have been non-stick pans. Their little lungs are just so small that they can't handle it.

    We are working to swap out our pans gradually.

  • 13 years 25 weeks ago by: Crystal in reply to: School Lunch Contest: Help Us Pick the Winner

    Wow, amazing stuff everyone. Thanks for doing this and sharing your experiences with us.

    I ate school lunch every day when I was a kid. (no, I wasn't a rich kid, I was just the opposite so I got my lunches for free.) I remember LOVING all the options District 191 offered. I ate fruits and veggies and the food tasted really good too. In high school we had an open campus. Most kids feasted on fast food while I happily ate my free school lunches. Call me crazy, but I look back fondly on my school lunch experiences.

    I realize other school districts don't have it as good and I hope we can make change happen!

  • 13 years 25 weeks ago by: chanelle in reply to: School Lunch Contest: Help Us Pick the Winner

    all I know about milk in a bag: you do drink it through a straw, but you don't pick it up. You just lean over, real dignified-like, and slurp it up right off your tray. It doesn't stand up, but just lays there on its side. I don't think it can be used as a hand warmer, but possibly as a weapon. When I poked my straw in it, it shot out milk. I think if you aimed just right, you could shoot milk in someone's eye. Not that I'm advocating that, I'm just saying, it has potential.

  • 13 years 25 weeks ago by: Anonymous in reply to: School Lunch Contest: Help Us Pick the Winner

    People wonder why there is obesity, more allergies, ADD, ADHD, Diabetes, etc. and look at the incredible junk that is fed to our developing children. It all looks like dogfood to me! Thankfully, my children, even in middle school, prefer a home-cooked meal! Everyone should see "Food, inc." Buy organic whenever possible.