Recent Comments

  • 13 years 27 weeks ago by: Tracey@Tangled Noodle in reply to: Our Modern Easter: Menu & Recipes

    This is a marvelously light menu, perfect for this spring celebration!

  • 13 years 27 weeks ago by: emily in reply to: Two Views of School Lunches: Jamie Oliver's and Mine

    i did watch the show and overall enjoyed it, it is a step in the right direction. the fact remains though, that food manufacturers, supported by industrial agriculture,, latch onto the show. its to be expected since we have a capitalisst culture and food is seen as one of many products to sell. those food manufacturers are apart of the eating/health/obestity problem we have in much of the westernized world. just my 2 cents, and i too, look at the details and noticed the 'light and fit', filled-with-processed-ingredients, yogurt too. sorry, these things do stand out they are made to stand out to consumers, its called product placement.

  • 13 years 27 weeks ago by: lee in reply to: Two Views of School Lunches: Jamie Oliver's and Mine

    Well said, Brooke! We can debate the specifics of the show, its sponsorship, particular products/ingredients, whatever, but there's no denying that Jamie Oliver is doing something amazing, introducing many people to what it means to eat mindfully, healthier, and with care. We're grateful that the show exists, and confident that it will do enormous things for the cause of good, healthy, real food. Amen!

  • 13 years 27 weeks ago by: scott in reply to: Five Food Stories: Which One is an April Fool's Hoax?

    A "Super Whole Foods" might have stumped me---WF expands into cookware, electrics, music, clothing, lawn furniture, auto care, sporting what would that look like? hmmmmm, more than a whole paycheck, I presume ;-)

    nice post, thanks!

  • 13 years 27 weeks ago by: brooke in reply to: Two Views of School Lunches: Jamie Oliver's and Mine

    I watched Jamie's first two episodes for the first time the other day. I was ecstatic(!) that something like this is on television. I admire his passion, and motivation for doing this. I believe it is a really goog thing, and hope to see some change out of it. Even if that change is small, it is there.

    I think it is silly to be picking apart little points on the show, like the yogurt in a previous comment. I didn't see any yogurt on the show, and I really don't think I even care about the hellmans sponsorship--the point is what the goals of the show are, what he is doing, how he is going out on a limb SO far from home, just to make a difference, because he cares. It seems like his approach is spot on, and I am excited to watch more.

    I was flabergasted at the kids not knowing the simples vegetables (i.e. tomoatos, potatoes), as well as being willing to eat that chicken puree.

    Check the show out, if you haven't, don't base your judgement on a preview. What he is doing is awesome, important, and well done.

  • 13 years 27 weeks ago by: nick baxter in reply to: Homemade Mustard Recipe

    it was a bit runny at first, and i think thats why you see all these recipes with various filler ingredients. i tried a bit of bob's red mill xanthan gum but that stuff is tricky because it can make things start to get sticky and doughy. but it really didnt need it. you can adjust the ratio of liquid to mustard seed powder...

  • 13 years 27 weeks ago by: lee in reply to: Homemade Mustard Recipe

    thanks nick - i think the seeds absorbed a lot of the liquid too. was your shortened version runny?

  • 13 years 27 weeks ago by: nick baxter in reply to: Homemade Mustard Recipe

    love the simplicity of this recipe...too many filler and unnecessarily complicated ingredients in other homemade mustard recipes i've seen.

    is the 2-day soaking meant only to soften the mustard seeds? if so, and you dont have 2 days to wait, you could process the seeds in a coffee grinder on the finest setting, making a fine powder, then just blend it with the other ingredients according to the directions. i tried this tonight with good results but have some soaking in order to make the real recipe this weekend.

  • 13 years 27 weeks ago by: lee in reply to: Homemade Mustard Recipe

    Good to know, thanks friends. I've got 2 batches now - regular and honey mustard - and I'm putting them on EVERYTHING. So good. Thanks Alex!

  • 13 years 27 weeks ago by: Greg Reynolds in reply to: Five Food Stories: Which One is an April Fool's Hoax?

    half foods