Recent Comments

  • 14 years 27 weeks ago by: Carrie Oliver in reply to: School Lunch Contest: Eat Lunch With Your Kids, Send Us the Pictures, Win Prizes!

    What a great idea, Lee! Have you thought about explicitly inviting Members of Congress and local/state officials to join? Or would that just ruin the spirit by turning it into a photo op?

  • 14 years 27 weeks ago by: lee in reply to: Organic Farmers at MOSES Conference Plant Seeds for a Sustainable Future

    Yes, thank you Greg. We appreciate your response and point of view. "Organic" has a strict definition according to our government, but it's one that doesn't necessarily include fair-trade labor practices. Connecting the dots helps us get a much better sense of what we're paying for and why.

  • 14 years 27 weeks ago by: lee in reply to: School Lunch Contest: Eat Lunch With Your Kids, Send Us the Pictures, Win Prizes!

    Thanks for the note, lunch lady. I'm guessing the school you work at is a prIvate one? I have no desire to group all schools, budgets, locations, or workers together, or to embarrass or upset anyone. But I'm really, really excited to learn what people experience when they eat lunch in public schools, and I'm hoping to see pictures that surpise me in all sorts of good ways.

  • 14 years 27 weeks ago by: lunch lady in reply to: School Lunch Contest: Eat Lunch With Your Kids, Send Us the Pictures, Win Prizes!

    I am a school lunch lady at a small catholic k-8 school.
    I am VERY proud of the lunches we serve.we prepare the old fashioned hot lunches from scratch,you know the ones we all remembered as kids.we can do this because we have a great kitchen,and great staff that understand the importance of a home cooked hot meal.we charge a little bit more then the public school but I would be glad to pay extra for higher quality for my children
    The large mpls school district prepares all their food in a central location, puts it in paper trays ,plastic wraps it and sends it to the schools in the morning to be reheated.I have had lunch and breakfast at the mpls public school with my children and all i can say is we are really doing a dis service to the children who know nothing about food except for what they expereance at school, what a shame and a missed opportunity to educate our children that there is good quality healthy food.I was also Shocked with the amount of time they had to eat.We are teaching our children that woofing your food down is healthy,no wonder why their stomach hurts.try eating your meal in 5 min.

  • 14 years 27 weeks ago by: Rashmi in reply to: Organic Farmers at MOSES Conference Plant Seeds for a Sustainable Future

    Thank you for answering my questions Greg.

  • 14 years 27 weeks ago by: lee in reply to: School Lunch Contest: Eat Lunch With Your Kids, Send Us the Pictures, Win Prizes!

    No way Kate - feel free to borrow a kid, you're in!

  • 14 years 27 weeks ago by: Kelly Lester in reply to: An Open Letter to Our Children: We're Sorry About School Lunch

    As the sorry state of school lunches is finally coming into the public eye (thank you Lee, Jamie Oliver, and others!),I believe that parents are truly in need of a simple and affordable way to be sure their children have access to a healthy lunch. We can't wait around for the school districts to get the 'clean up your act' message. Our kids need good nutrition today! Packing a lunch box is the only sure solution available right now. And that's why I created The EasyLunchbox System: Compartmentalized containers and cooler bags, that when used together, help families quickly pack healthy lunches without wasting time, money, paper, or plastic. Supporting the waste-free lunch movement, offers a reusable, superior solution at a much lower price than other companies.
    Great for large families and those on a limited budget. Although I'm very concerned with my family's health and nutrition, as a busy mom, I like to spend as little time as possible in the kitchen. I'm all about fresh, healthy and FAST. Please consider packing your kids' lunchbox at home - visit my website to learn how easy it can be. -Kelly Lester, Mom and CEO

  • 14 years 27 weeks ago by: Kate NG Sommers in reply to: School Lunch Contest: Eat Lunch With Your Kids, Send Us the Pictures, Win Prizes!

    Lee, do you have a kid I can borrow? :) Or do I not qualify because I'm on the about page? Darn.

  • 14 years 27 weeks ago by: Anonymous in reply to: Still Searching for a CSA? Consider This...

    CSAs have an advantage over farmer's markets though, in that most of them provide organically-grown produce. At least here in the Cities, there are very few organic vendors at the farmer's markets, and their prices are significantly higher.

    Also, with CSAs, you can find farms that practice strict organic farming methods, but haven't spent the time/money/energy on becoming certified. In three years with three different CSAs, we got far more produce for our money with the one that was organic, but not certified as such.

  • 14 years 27 weeks ago by: Debbie in reply to: Upcoming Workshop Helps Chefs Put More Local Food on Their Menus

    So glad that workshops like these are being offered. The more education made available on the subject of local/sustainable, the better the understanding, which will lead to greater demand. Thanks in advance, Amy, for taking notes to share with the rest of us after the workshops is over!