
Jackson Hollow Farm Now Offering a Limited Number of Midsummer Shares

Jackson Hollow, a terrific, long-running organic farm in Wisconsin, is now offering a limited number of 10-week, midsummer, half-shares for $200 each. This is a rare opportunity to buy into a CSA at the best time in the season, and a great way to give Jackson Hollow a test run to see if you want to sign up again next year. Here's what Jackson Hollow has to say about it:

10 weeks of the prime summer season with beans, cukes, tomatoes, summer squash, eggplant, herbs, and more! This is a great way to try a CSA for the season and have an opportunity to be a 20 week member next year.

You may purchase two half shares to make a full share, which is intended for a small family or a couple that really likes veggies. The half share size (approx 1/2 bushel) is preferred by singles and couples. It will also serve a small family who wants to experiment with a variety of fresh local produce. Remember, you can't like it if you don't try it. And if you have only tried the supermarket version, you haven't really tried it!

I've long admired the baskets that come from Jackson Hollow, which you can see in the above picture. Jackson Hollow makes regular deliveries at the following Twin Cities (and nearby) locations:

Burnsville, MN Valley Natural Foods  (Wed)
13750 County Road 11
Burnsville, MN 55337

Hudson (Private Home)  (Mon)
Contact us for location information

Minneapolis, MN Local D'Lish  (Mon)
208 N 1st St
Minneapolis, MN 55401

St. Paul, MN Hampden Park Co-op  (Mon)
928 Raymond Ave
St. Paul, MN 55114

Stillwater, MN River Market  (Wed)
221 Main St N
Stillwater, MN 55082

Woodbury United Methodist Church  (Mon)
7465 Steepleview Rd
Woodbury, MN 55125

Please email me at if you need more information or would like to purchase one of Jackson Hollow's $200, 10-week midsummer shares. Thanks!