
Your CSA Box: Summer Comfort Foods

In my last article, I wrote about Brassica vegetables, which aren't the most popular items in the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) box. This week, I've spent time with more widely loved summer vegetables, red potatoes and yellow squash.

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Dorset Cereals: "Honest, Tasty, and Real"

dorset-cerealHonest, tasty, and real. That's the claim Dorset Cereals makes on their website, and it's hard to refute. Dorset cereals, including the Berries and Cherries muesli I picked up at the Wedge a few weeks back, are made from whole, natural, terrific ingredients. Lots of dried fruits, all sorts of meusli and flakes.

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Elle's New England Kitchen

Recently found another Twitterer named Elle who writes a great recipe blog. Elle is celebrating her first anniversary as a food blogger. Here's what her blog profile says:

Hi! Living in New England with my amazing husband, four kids, and six pets. I love to cook and collect cookbooks, which I read like novels. Doesn't everyone?

In any case, the site features all sorts of good, tasty sounding things. Some are even healthy, or seem to be, like this recent post about granola with yogurt, fruit, and nuts. (I'm fairly obsessed with granola, can you tell?)

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